About Asiatics…

Many Asiatic varieties have a “lazy” growth habit and appear to just be “hanging around” in the field. But don’t let that characteristic fool you, these varieties are very productive and have fantastic flavor profiles with some of the hottest garlics we grow. Scapes on these varieties have that same “lazy” habit and rarely curl, making more of an upside down “U” with an elongated, flat beak. Scapes are often sporadic in development, spread out over an extended period of time and depending on variety may not develop at all given its “weak bolting” nature. Additionally some varieties have a strong tendancy to develop “neck bulbils” like Korean Mountain. Of all of the subgroups that we grow, this group has the biggest spread between optimum harvest window between varieties. Customer favorites include: Pyongyang (“Rocketman”), Korean Mountain & Tibetan.

Asiatics Varieties: Aomori, Asian Tempest, Japanese, Korean Mountain, Korean Red, Pyongyang & Tibetan.